Painting Is Hard: Progress Since My Last Post
It's been over a month since I posted on here, and it's been several weeks since I last painted anything. I managed to get out a brush today and throw down a bit of silver today on some models, and that's about all I've managed. Depression is shit, yall. I don't wanna let this bloggo die though so here are some pics of everything I've done since Neave.
First up we have some not quite finished Aetherwings, as promised in the Neave post. These guys were a bit of a pain. I initially started doing a pink colour scheme with them, with the feathers getting darker and more vibrant the further out they got, but it kinda looked terrible. I recalibrated, and went for a standard brown, getting lighter type scheme, like an eagle. This is the same sort of scheme I did on the Aetherwing who sits on the arm of Sanson Farstrider. But I wanted them to look a little fantasy, so as a spur of the moment kind of thing, I painted the outermost feathers red for a bit of visual interest. It worked okay, I think, but they're nothing special. Painting natural looking fibres is very hard. I also sort of didn't finish these models as there's no shading or highlights on the trees or ribbons that are attaching them to the base.
So this is a group shot of all the models I have (mostly) painted since last time. You may be able to see some necrons in the background, one of whom I have basecoated in black. I did manage some slight progress on the Annihilators from the last picture, where I added the silver base colour and some shading to the green, they're not that far from being done, and I cannot wait.
I think after I have finished the Annihilators, as much as I would like to get some more Stormcast units painted because that is who I've been playing a lot (and the Celestant Prime is a nice intricate model that will really benefit from a nice paintjob), I will instead try to give myself an "easy win". I'm going to pick a really simple straightforward model or models and just do the basics. Probably one of the Nighthaunt models that have been waiting for painting for a while, perhaps the Bladegheist Revenants who are very straightforward, just cloth and swords. That will hopefully get me back in the painting swing. That said, I don't know how long that will be, very low motivation levels at the moment. Looking to the future, I would like to get my Stormcast and Nighthaunt collections fully painted, and honestly I'm not that far away from it. I have maybe 20 more Stormcasts to paint (albeit some quite large ones), and around the same number of Nighthaunt, who are much less intensive. I would also like to go back and revisit some of my old Malifaux models and try to develop the cartoony/cel shaded type style I did on Lenny.
Well, adieu until next time, whenever that may be. Long live Doggo's Painting Bloggo!
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