Painting Is Hard: Progress Since My Last Post

It's been over a month since I posted on here, and it's been several weeks since I last painted anything. I managed to get out a brush today and throw down a bit of silver today on some models, and that's about all I've managed. Depression is shit, yall. I don't wanna let this bloggo die though so here are some pics of everything I've done since Neave. First up we have some not quite finished Aetherwings, as promised in the Neave post. These guys were a bit of a pain. I initially started doing a pink colour scheme with them, with the feathers getting darker and more vibrant the further out they got, but it kinda looked terrible. I recalibrated, and went for a standard brown, getting lighter type scheme, like an eagle. This is the same sort of scheme I did on the Aetherwing who sits on the arm of Sanson Farstrider. But I wanted them to look a little fantasy, so as a spur of the moment kind of thing, I painted the outermost feathers red for a bit of visual inte...