Evocators on Dracolines Step By Step (part 1)
I've mostly been painting Stormcast Eternals recently, and I was excited to add these fine folks to my army. I like the models and I like the rules, and I figured I would do a step by step post showing my progress. I wanted to have a bit more to show before posting but I've not been too well and haven't got any painting done in the past couple of days so I decided to just throw up what I have lest this blog die on the vine. There are two of these and I am painting them side by side but the process is the same so I am only photographing one as I go. Here we start with a Corax White undercoat. I normally prime my Stormcasts with a mid-grey primer but the dracoline has a lot of light tones so it's easier to work over the off-white base. It will also be helpful when I get to the face which on this model is exposed flesh. The first thing to do is the metal armour on the man himself. I always start with this step as priming light means you really do need to get into all th...